Searching the Knowledge Database

Searching the Knowledge Database

All objects stored in the Knowledge Base can be searched according to specific attributes. The search can be performed in the following mode:

Global data search (complex) is available from the start screen (Home) of the Knowledge Data Base .

The simple and advanced search form are available after selecting a tab within a given module. Below is an example of a simple search screen in the Repository Module - Publications tab.

One can see here the query formulation area - (1), the facets area with additional filters (2), and the result area (3). The query line in (1) ends with 3 icons -

  • magnifier - to execute a query

  • cog - to switch to advanced query

  • eraser - to clean the query and the filters


Most search forms include:

  • a tree of the institution's organizational structure, which can be used to limit search results to a selected organizational unit (e.g. a faculty or an institute within a faculty

  • scientific disciplines tree, which is used to limit search results to the selected discipline 2.0.


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