Journal Paper

Journal Paper

Below is a description of the journal article.

Typical fields completed for these types of documents are those listed below. However, it is recommended that publications be described as fully as possible, depending on the available information.

Basic data

Please complete or select:

  • at least one of the responsibility fields: author, institutional author, editor, etc. If the author is not affiliated with the home university - indicate his external affiliation;

If you want to set the author's role in the publication (first, equal, last, correspondent) - use the Role designation field.

More in the section Fields in data entry forms

Author subrecord embeded in the publication record
  • title of the publication

  • document language

  • URL

  • DOI (if available)


Publication data section

Please complete or select:

  • publication type - check journal article

  • publication date

  • journal (taken from the index)

  • pagination or article number

  • volume, number (of issue, journal)


We provide here additional information describing the content of the publication and metadata to help the user find it in the database.

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