Journals published by the University

This type of record is used to describe journals that are pubished by the university.


Before starting to enter data, it is necessary to check whether a record is not already registered in the database. More in the section

General rules of description are discussed in section

Basic fields in tabs are described in section



Elements of the bibliographic description are placed in one tab.

The title of the journal is taken from the Journals and series index. In the field Publishing unit enter the name of the department or other organizational unit from the Affiliations index. Language is also a mandatory field and must be chosen from the list. Moreover, when describing a journal, it is important to specify its Printed amount, year in which it is published, and also enter the address of the home page. If the journal is no longer active, the year in which its publication ended is entered in the Year to field.

In the License field you can enter data including the type of license under which the publications are made available.