Scopus - verification of the remaining limit and reset time


To update information about publications and journals, the Omega-PSIR system uses APIs provided by Scopus.

Access to the API is limited by the number of weekly requests - for the two main APIs used by Omega are:

  • for publication updates - 10,000

  • for magazine updates - 20,000

limits can be checked at

Elsevier Developer Portal



The limit is used for every query sent to Scopus, so also for limit queries.


Verification of the available limit can be done in a web browser or, for example, the Postman program.

To check the available limit of publication updates, type in the address bar:

indication of the type of resource to be searched


ID of the searched resource - in this case, it is the Scopu ID of the publication, which will be used for verification

it can be any Scopus publication ID (also not in the unit's resources)


the value of 123456789 is an example

here enter scopusApiKey (API key) of the institution


To check the available limit of updated magazines, type in the address bar:

indication of the type of resource to be searched


ISSN of the reviewed journal

it can be any magazine


the value of 123456789 is an example

here enter scopusApiKey (API key) of the institution

Then go to the developer tools - in most browsers, opening the tools can be done by clicking the F12 key and go to the "Network" tab and if required - reload the page


Narzędzia dla programisty - Firefox

Developer Tools - Firefox

Narzędzia dla programisty - Chrome

Developer Tools - Chrome


The next step is to expand the header with information about the query:

Developer tools - response headers - Firefox

Developer tools - response headers - Chrome


For information on the remaining limit and reset time, see the parameters:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit - the weekly limit.

  • X-RateLimit-Remaining limit

  • X-RateLimit-Reset - time to reset

response headings - limits


To check the exact date of the limit reset, for example, you can go to

Epoch Converter

and in the field "Convert epoch to human-readable date and vice versa" paste the value returned in the header in the x-ratelimit-reset parameter, and then click "Timestamp to Human date"


time converter


The feedback will indicate the exact date of refreshing the limit:

result of the converter


If limits are exceeded, a response header is returned


  • X-RateLimit-Reset: time to reset


Additional information can be found on the Elsevier Developers website


Elsevier Developer Portal



Elsevier Developer Portal