

The application administrator has the ability to add new types of dictionary data by copying and then modifying existing ones in the database.

The disctionary records are bilingual (installation language and English). In addition one can build thesaurus-like structures, which extend the system data structure (system ontology)

The following screen shows an excerpt from the list of dictionary data in KB.


The green values are system owned, which means that their change is not recomended, as the updates are provided with the system development (and may be overwritten). As you can see in the figure above, you can easily expand and modify the allowed values of the different types of dictionary data used in the system. For a current list of dictionary data, see Appendix 2

As an example, see the values for the dictionary Impact factor


In case of a need to add another measure for a journal, you don’t have to reprogram the system - just add another dictionary value. The value will immediately appear as an option in the journal worksheet in the field for impact factor, so that the new kind of IF will be available for entering.