Dictionaries related to the workflow data

Dictionaries related to the workflow data

In addition to the main elements of defining the development workflow rules, you need to define the necessary dictionary data, which includes:

  • patterns (templates) of e-mail messages sent by the system to users during the change of development phases


These patterns are defined as dictionary data records of type email (Email Message).


The content of the template is placed in the Description in Polish and Description in English fields, respectively, as shown in the screen below:



In this case, the content of the template is as follows:

<p>Dear Sirs,</p> <p>We would like to kindly inform you that a record for your project has been created on the basis of the submitted and approved application in the PW Knowledge Base. Therefore, please complete the data in the fields made available to you for editing (marked with a green box).</p> <p>If you have any doubts about the data in the other fields, please contact us.</p> <p>Project title: "$#{empty model['projectmain'].titlePL ? model['projectmain'].titleEN : model['projectmain'].titlePL}$" </p> $@simpleStr$ <p>Project record link: $#{request.getRequestURL().substring(0, request.getRequestURL().length()-request.getRequestURI().length())}#{request.getContextPath()}$/edit.seam?id=$#{model['projectmain'].id}$&lang=en</p> <p>The link provided above will remain active for 14 calendar days.</p> <p>To save the record, select "Validate" and then:</p> <ol> <li>if not all the data have been entered and you still want to return to complete the record, please select the "Save" button,</li> <li>if all the data have been entered and you want to send the record to COP PW, please select the "Change stage and save" button, and then in the "Change stage" window - "Save and send email". After selecting "Message version in Polish", an email "Notification of data completion" will open, which should be sent to the specified address of the COP PW employee. After sending the email, please close the "Send mail" window, and in the "Change stage" window, click the "Finish" button.</li> </ol> <p>The project manager is responsible for the correctness and completeness of the data in the record.</p> <p>Sincerely</p> <p>COP team</p> .

The content of the message template can contain simple formatting elements in the HTML standard, for example, they can be paragraphs, enumerable lists and numbered lists.

It is also possible to refer to the data of the current project record. Such references are placed between two dollar signs.

Examples used in the above template:

1/ placing in the body of the message the title of the project, with the title in Polish being presented first (surrounded by quotation marks)

"$#{empty model['projectmain'].titlePL ? model['projectmain'].titleEN : model['projectmain'].titlePL}$"

2/ Refer to the project record, whereby the simpleStr format defined in the system is requested (the format name is preceded by the @ sign).


3/ More advanced use of the system's features allows you to build a link to a record:

$#{request.getRequestURL().substring(0, request.getRequestURL().length()-request.getRequestURI().length())}#{request.getContextPath()}$/edit.seam?id=$#{model['projectmain'].id}$&lang=en

In this case, a link is built, the use of which will enter the form for editing the current project record.



In addition to the content of the message, indicate under what circumstances the pattern is used.

The recurring field Additional Category specifies the transitions between phases when the pattern should be used. As you can see in the figure below, the example message pattern should be used when transitioning from phase COP_01 to phase Faculty_01 and when transitioning from phase COP_02 to phase Faculty_01. The format notation used here is: phase_output -> phase_target


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