Series of events
Search for event series
On the event search screen, you can click on the Search event series link (cf.
, Fig. 1) and thus move to the event series search screen:
The way to search for an event series is similar to searching for events - you can formulate a text query, or you can use the filters on the left side of the screen:
current only - the system will show only those series that are currently active
international - the system will show those series that have the flag of organized series with international coverage marked
Organizer - the system will show only those series that are organized by the indicated scientist
Secretary - the system will show only those series, in which the secretary is the indicated person
In addition, you can limit the series to those organized by specific units at the university
View of the series for a non-logged-in user
The view of the series of events is shown in the figure below (Fig. 2). A non-logged-in user can view events that are planned (Future Events), or go to events that have already taken place (History);
Each list has an Actions column. The user can expand the event description (+) to read the summary, and/or can select one of the actions for each event:
to export the dates of all the coming seminars in the series to the calendar, one can use the calendar icon at the event;
to go to the event details, one can use the icon
If the user is interested in the entire series, she/he can import the event dates into his calendar by using the calendar button (1).
View of the series for the logged-in user
The logged-in user has additionally the option to submit her/his proposal for the series
The form for the proposal is shown on the figure below (Fig. 4):
Once the proposal is saved, the organizer(s) and the secretary (if defined for the series) receive an e-mail with the information about the proposal. The organizer can accept the proposal or reject. Any action will cause sending the e-mail to the proposing researcher. In the case of problemsthe organizer and submitter can contact by e-mail. The accepted event will appear on the list of Future events