Research data in OMEGA-PSIR

This document introduces the research data repository module. The research data repository module was realized

  1. by the staff of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) with funds from the WUT under the IDUB project; the teams of the Institute of Computer Science and Main Library worked on the project; the work of the WUT teams focused on:

    1. a new data storage procedure, oriented towards data deposition by researchers;

    2. multi-versioning;

    3. file management functionality

  2. By the SAGES team with SAGES resources, in terms of

    1. communication with DataCite

    2. mechanisms for storing files in a dedicated S3 file server.

In this section the functions of the various user groups and scenarios of activities are outlined.

The main task of the Research Data Repository Module is to provide researchers with the possibility of depositing research data carried out in research projects in the University Knowledge Base, in accordance with the requirements of major research funding institutions. In addition, the module is supposed to allow the University to gather full knowledge of research data of the University's scientists, available in the world, and carried out by the University's employees.

In addition, an important task of the repository is, on the one hand, to meet the conditions of open science, and on the other, to promote the scientific achievements of the University's employees as comprehensively as possible.