University structure

The university structure is described by the Affiliation data type. Affiliation records form a tree structure corresponding to the structure of the university. The depth of the tree is basically arbitrary, the criterion for adopting the depth of the structure tree is the pragmatic principle that we do not describe such structures that too often change, liquidate, merge with other structures, etc. Thus, adopting a tree depth of 2 means that beyond the root, faculties are distinguished and in faculties institutes and/or departments. In universities, in some faculties, the lowest level units may be establishments, reporting directly to the dean, and so also at level 2.

The basic elements of the university unit description are contained in two tabs of the form for data entry:

  • Basic information

  • Profile


The Basic information tab includes official names in the leading language and in English, as well as other forms of names (this is to improve search and accessibility). Each unit record also has a "parent entity" attribute, which is used to build a hierarchy.


The Unit Profile tab includes:

  • textual descriptions corresponding to the unit,

  • files (e.g. logo, CSS - used for local presentation of the profile on the unit's website), banner structures for the local version of BW.


The System fields tab is maintained directly by the system.

More in the chapter .