Effects of Scientific Activities

The description of the scientist's achievements is carried out by recording data describing:

  • textual documents

    • publications (articles, books, scripts)

    • theses (including doctoral dissertations)

    • reports

    • translations

  • architectural or design works and artistic works

  • research data

  • projects

  • patents, products, implementations

  • professional activity

  • professional achievements


Typology of documents described and deposited in the system

One of the most important elements of the Knowledge Base is bibliographic description. The structures corresponding to bibliographic descriptions are listed below.

Bibliographic typology

The basic distinction in the Knowledge Base in terms of bibliographic descriptions is as follows:

  • bibliographic description at the parent level (sometimes also called monographic level)

  • bibliographic description at the analytical level.

There is also a level for series bibliographic description. This description is simplified and is used for the description of book series and periodicals, stored in the Periodicals and Series index.

The subject of the description at the parent level is a self-contained work / document that is not part of a larger publication. Parent-level description applies to:

  • published documents, like: book editions, albums, maps, encyclopedias; they are usually assigned an ISBN number

  • unpublished documents, i.e.: reports, presentations, unpublished bibliographies, dissertations, theses, opinions.

The subject of description at the analytical level is a work / document that is part of a larger document. In the Knowledge Base at the analytical level we distinguish the description of:

  • an article from a journal

  • a chapter from a book.

In the case of a paper or chapter (non-self-contained document) a separate record is linked to the record for the whole work (parent record). The analytical record is created based on the parent record.

Typology for the purposes of research assessment

The typology for the purposes of research assessment differs from the typology for the purposes of bibliographic description and is subordinated to the regulations for the evaluation of an employee's achievements.

The following categories will be taken into account in the research assessment:

  • scientific articles

  • scientific monographs, chapters in monographs and editors of monographs

  • patents for inventions, protection rights for utility models and breeders' exclusive rights to plant varieties

A scientific publication will be included in the evaluation only once regardless of the place and form of publication (electronic / printed).

Scientific articles

Scientific article is a peer-reviewed article published in a scientific journal or in the peer-reviewed materials of an international conference:

  • presenting a specific scientific issue in an original and creative way, problem-oriented or cross-cutting

  • accompanied by a bibliography, footnotes or other scientific apparatus appropriate to the scientific discipline.

A scientific article is also a review article published in a scientific journal included in the List of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials of international conferences.

A scientific article is not an editorial, abstract, extended abstract, letter, review, errata, editorial note.

Scientific monographs, editors of scientific monographs and chapters of scientific monographs

If not specified by the national or the university regulations, a scientific monograph is a peer-reviewed book publication that presents a specific scientific issue in an original and creative manner; accompanied by footnotes, a bibliography or other scientific apparatus appropriate to the scientific discipline.

A scientific monograph is also:

  • a peer-reviewed and annotated, bibliographed or other scientific apparatus appropriate to the discipline; a translation:

    • into Polish a work of scientific or cultural importance

    • into another modern language of a work significant for science or culture, published in Polish

  • scientific editing of source texts.

Patents and other protective categories of industrial property rights

The first criterion takes into account patents for inventions, protection rights for utility models and exclusive breeder's rights to plant varieties, the creators of which are employees conducting scientific activities in the unit. These achievements must be substantively related to the scientific research conducted at the entity within the given scientific discipline.

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