
Importing data from the author’s profile

The editor can connect the employee's profile in the Knowledge Base with the profile in the Scopus database. Connection is made from the author's profile (Connect to Scopus option). After connecting to the Scopus database, it is possible to:

  • import publication descriptions from the Scopus database (Import from Scopus option)

  • synchronizing the set of your publications with what is in your profile in the Scopus database (Connection Status option)

  • updating the number of citations of publications in the Knowledge Base based on data from the Scopus database (Update from Scopus option)

If the profile is not connected to Scopus one can perform as follows:

  1. In the author profile in the area of Identifiers select the option Associate with the Scopus profile

  2. The system will display the profiles proposed for connection

  3. Click Select on the profile to be connected

  4. Click Accept 

In the case when the author is already connected the editor has two options:

  1. visit the Scopus profile

  2. check the Status of synchronzation between Knowledge Base and Scopus (Status Scopus)

  1. Click Status Scopus and select the option Import from Scopus

  1. On the Scopus Import form, select the appropriate options and click Get Started

  2. Select the publications to import and click Confirm selection

  3. After confirming your selection, the system displays an import report

If the editor finds duplicate records in Scopus and the Knowledge Base, he/she can take the following steps:

  •  skip – the system will ignore duplicates during import

  •  overwrite – the system will overwrite the records in the Knowledge Base with the corresponding records from the Scopus database

  • ask the user - the user will decide on the course of action after reviewing both records


If the Knowledge Base already contains manually created records with assigned scores, overwriting them with records from the Scopus database is not always recommended. This applies primarily to papers from conference materials, because the descriptions in the Scopus database are poorer and information about the conference, and thus the score, may be lost.

For the case one expects that the Knowledge Base may have problems with linking authors, journal, etc. the following options are possible:

  1. ask the user - this is a request to resolve doubts regarding authorship or other connections;

  2. skip – in this case, the system will skip the record with doubts

  3. save without resolving doubts - in this case the record will be saved with the best match

Setting the Collective Author Threshold parameter causes that if the number of authors is below the threshold all authors to be recorded as individual authors. When the number of authors is greater than the threshold, the author list is treated as a collective author. From this list, the first author and all authors of the unit will be copied to individual authors.


Connection status

The function Connection Status shows the difference between publication lists in the Scopus database and the Knowledge Base. The displayed report shows:

  •  which publications are missing from the Scopus database

  •  which publications in the Knowledge Base are not connected to publications in Scopus.

 After using this function, we get a screen where we can choose the Scopus view and the repository view. The Scopus view shows descriptions of publications from the Scopus database on the left, and corresponding descriptions of publications registered in the knowledge base on the right. If the right side is empty, either there is no publication in the Knowledge Base or it has not been assigned. You can try to manually select the publication - the Connect button

 For each of these views you can view:

  •  all publications

  •  only linked publications

  •  only unlinked publications.

Correct linking of publicaitons is essential when updating citations from the Scopus database. Citations will only be displayed for those that have been linked.

 Update with Scopus database

 The Update from Scopus function is used to update the number of citations retrieved from this database. The Knowledge Base attemps to connect unconnected publications with the corresponding records in Scopus and synchronize the citations.  

 Import/update from the Editor Panel

 Update and import can also be performed from the Editor Panel:

  1.  In the Auxiliary Functions module, select the section Authors and Employees

  2.  Search for a person or group of people (e.g. from one faculty)

  3.  Select the entire result set or just individual people

  4.  Click the three-dot icon

  5.  Select Import from Scopus