Multimedia record

Multimedia records

Before you start entering data, check whether a given record is not already registered in the database. More in the sections

Elements of the bibliographic description are placed in the following sections:


The general rules for describing objects are discussed in the section

The basic fields in the tabs are described in the section

The fields that you should pay special attention to when entering a given type of objects are discussed below.

Basic Information

Please indicate the type of material you are describing. Depending on what we choose, we will have to complete slightly different fields.


Fill in the fields:

  • media type (expand the tree and check the relevant value

  • media category (not obligatory but recommended)

  • regarding responsibility (one of: Author, Responsible entity, Institutional author)

  • title in Polish or English

  • the type of multimedia materials described

  • year of creation

Media category determines how the record is treated - if you mark it press it will be visible in the system section where the opinions about the university and teams are presented, otherwise they are stored under the section Research outputs

The remaining fields are optional, but it is worth completing them.

If we are describing, for example, a recorded lecture available on a given website, then in the Main address field, enter the URL of the website where the material was posted.

In the Other related people field you can enter people who participated in the creation of the material, e.g. consultants.

Detailed data

It contains additional information that should be added to the description.

You can attach files to the form (Main Files field). More in the chapter


We provide here additional information describing the content of the object and metadata to help the user find it in the database.


Here you can link a given object with other information available in the database, such as: project, book, research data.