Terms and conditions, licenses

This function allows you to define texts of regulations, licenses, ordinances, declarations. These texts are used by the system for end users to read and accept. The place where the text appears for acceptance depends on the text type. Text types are predefined in the system's dictionaries. The current version provides for the following "types" of regulations:

  • License

  • Author's statement of scientific discipline in publication

  • Statement by the author of the publication

  • Statement for a person's profile picture

  • User Regulations

A tree structure of subtypes can be created for each type. The leaves of this structure contain the definition of the text that can be presented to the user for acceptance. For each leaf of the structure, there can be only one active record, which ensures that all users "subscribe" to the same text. The rules record can also specify conditions for what happens if the content is not accepted by the user. For example, the text of this record can include an "acceptance" (checkbox) that appears in certain situations. 

Below is a sample record of the regulation on GDPR.

Fig. 1 Example of GDPR regulations text


In the cited case, acceptance is not required, however, if the value of the "Acceptance of requirement" field was true, the user would have to check the checkbox in order for the system to stop reminding him. The fact of acceptance is stored in the user's record (along with the date). The text of the user's "declaration" is thus also stored in the system.


It is not possible to change this record. If you want to change the text of the "regulations", you need to deactivate the given record and create (by copying) a new record (a new version of the regulations) in which the text can be changed. This type of change will cause that even if the previous version of the regulations was accepted by the user, the system will force acceptance of the new version. In the user's record there will be information about "signing off" on both versions (along with dates) 

The function of creating a new version of the regulations is shown in the figure below:


For licenses granted to the knowledge base by the author, a hierarchical structure is defined as follows:

  • License

    • Access in accordance with the Publisher's license

    • Open Access

      • Creative Commons (CC)

        • Attribution (CC-BY)

        • Attribution-No Derivative Works (CC-BY-ND)

        • Attribution-Share Alike (CC-BY-SA)

        • Attribution-Noncommercial Use (CC-BY-NC)

        • Attribution-Noncommercial Use-No Derivative Works (CC-BY-NC-ND)

        • Attribution-Noncommercial Use - Under the Same Terms (CC-BY-NC-SA).

      • Other open license

As mentioned, with each leaf you can define the text that the author should accept when depositing the publication file. An example of the text for a CC by license is shown below:

Entering and activating a record of such a license will result in the fact that if the author accepts the CC by, the fact of acceptance along with the date will be stored in the account of the logged-in user after acceptance by the user. The license declaration, on the other hand, will be stored in the record of the publication file attached to the metadata.


In the "Type" field, indicate the subordinate record "User Terms and Conditions" - connecting to the "User Terms and Conditions" record itself