Statistics and reports

Statistics and reports

Measuring research

All kind of statistics and reports are based on counting and measuring research. OMEGA-PSIR gathers various parameters. Some parameters originate from the system, e.g. the download counters, other are taken from the global databases like Impact Factor from WoS, SNIP from Scopus, or citations of the publications from both, or, last but not least, the altmetric measures from Almetrix or PlumX. The externally originated measures are constantly updated by tasks scheduled within the system. Other assessment measures may originate from a predefined algorithm, specific for the internal university regulations or national evaluation rules. Within the system one can define specific evaluation algorithms assigning scores for each type of achievement or activity, e.g. some points for organizing a conference, other score for obtaining an ERC grant, yet another for promoting a PhD student, or publishing a patent in EPO.

Pivot Tables

The most powerful tool for building the statistical reports are pivot tables. The pivot tables are defined for each object type. The definition of a pivot table contains definitions of all the attributes specific for a given object type. As some attributes are complex (their values can be other objects), the definition may refer to the first level attribute (the simple attribute) or to a higher level attribute. For example the author attribute for a publication at the first level will be e.g. the author’s name, but the author record contains affiliation, which then has the attribute country, hence in the pivot table for publication we can have defined an attribute author’s country, so finaly we can build statistics showing how many publications can be coathored by (some) authors from France.

Predefined reports

Within OMEGA-PSIR one can define some predefined reports with some parameters that help end-user specifying details concening the report. Examples are CV generator, or researcher evaluation report. The reports can use pivote tables.


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