Professional activity

The following categories of professional activities can be described by records of this type

  • membership in authorities and bodies of societies, organizations and institutions, including committee, council, board of directors, especially program committee, research network, board of directors of a company or public organization, expert teams;

  • membership in editorial committees for editing journals, series, collections;

  • socio-political activities - membership in international, non-governmental, state, local government organizations;

  • expert functions - for the media and scientific research;

  • preparation of national, international expert reports.

  • Other types of scientific-research activity, such as supervision and examination, visiting other institutions, external lectures, coordination of teaching;

  • mobility of scientists - scientific residency or employment in reputable universities;

  • Enhancement of professional competence - decorations, professional awards and prizes, specialized training, postgraduate studies;

  • organization and participation in conferences, workshops, courses and seminars, including by honorary invitation; program committee membership, leading sessions, lecture by invitation;

  • national and international implementations;

  • appearances in the media - radio programs, TV, online media; giving interviews in the press;

Types of activity are defined in a dictionary, which can be modified by a person with the appropriate permissions.

Before starting to enter data, it is necessary to check whether a record is not already registered in the database. More in the section

General rules of description are discussed in section

Basic fields in tabs are described in section

The elements of the bibliographic description are placed in the record sections:

Basic information

Basic information characterizing a given category of professional activity is placed here.

A mandatory field is the selection of the activity subject. Selecting one of the options causes the form to adapt to the activity being described, e.g., selecting the Internal Entity category will cause a field of the same name to appear, which will allow the activity to be linked to data from the Affiliations index.

Some activities entered into the form last for a certain period of time. If an activity is still running and the year of its termination is not known then the Year To field should be left blank. Enter the year the activity began, or if it is not known enter 0.

In the prompts to some of the fields of the form there are explanations relating to the changing rules of evaluation of units over time. They concern, in the case of journals:

  • serving by an employee of the scientific unit as editor-in-chief of a journal included in the lists of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database or a scientific journal that does not have an IF impact factor;

  • membership of employees of a scientific unit in editorial committees of scientific journals included in the lists of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) or in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database.

In the case of an institution, organization, society or expert panel, refer to:

  1. membership or chairmanship by the employee concerned in the authorities; foreign or international scientific or artistic societies, organizations and institutions

  2. membership of employees of the scientific unit in expert teams appointed by state bodies and institutions and foreign or international institutions.


Editing of journals should be described as part of professional activity. If the researcher was an editor in several periods, then a separate record is established for each time period.

Editors of a special issue of a journal should be entered as a description of the book labeled 'Special issue of a journal' associated with the journal. More in the chapter

Editorial of encyclopedia / dictionary terms should be entered as a description of a chapter from the book associated with the description of the book labeled 'Encyclopedia / dictionary'. More in the chapter