Authors and employees (researchers)

In the Knowledge Base we store data about all the people authoring some research achievements, or participating in some projects. The data entry form serves to enter data describing the person's profile. The description includes information about his/her professional activity (academic degrees, positions, employment data, address details). People of various statuses are registered here. More in the chapter

Before you start entering data, check whether a given record is not already registered in the database.

The data entry form consists of two tabs: Basic information and Profile.

Basic information

In addition to the resercher’s name and affiliation, we can provide:

  • other forms of surname (maiden name, nickname);

    • two-part surnames, enter them in the format, e.g. Majewska-Lis

  • email address (address to which system messages will be sent)

  • if a given person's profile is to be active in public search, then should the Active (available in public search) option be selected? You can also mark in this way not only current employees, but also retirees, PhD students, guests, etc.)

  • external affiliation of the author, if the author represents an external institution - If a given institution is not on the list, enter it using the Institutions tab.

  • information regarding status, degrees, scientific category

  • information about declared scientific disciplines

  • optional repeatable field - the author may declare up to two scientific disciplines as part of his/her work. The data in the field should be consistent with the author's declaration.




You can enter additional information about a given author here. The tab is divided into two subtabs: Contact details and Descriptions.


It is possible to link the author's profile with profiles on other websites, including: ORCID, Scopus, ResearcherID (Publons), SAP. For this purpose:

  • click Add in the Identifiers in external systems field

  • select the appropriate system and enter the identifier for the system

  • click Save and close

If the employee has a public profile on Google Scholar (GS), then his/her ID can be also entered into the database. You can read it from the link to the person's profile.

Entering the ScopusID identifier will enable subsequent import of publications from this database and citation updates. More in the chapter: .

The list of identifiers is controlled by a vocabulary, which can be adjusted to the local needs:


Data from the fields Text before the surname in Polish, Text after the surname in English, Position in Polish, Position in English are visible in the author's public profile

Descriptions tab

You can add additional information here, such as a biogram or photo.

After completing and saving the data in the form, the entered description is visible in the database indexes. This means that an employee's profile can be searched when entering bibliographic descriptions of various types of objects. All types of professional activities (e.g. publications, projects, patents, achievements) for the description of which we select the author's name from the index will be visible in his profile.

If an author record is created from the publication description level, when saving it, check the box Is the given record new, should it be entered into the main list? It will be remembered in the index.

See also