Searching screens

For each record type there is a search screen with possibilities to build an advanced query. In addition to the type-oriented search attributes there are specific system-oriented search options under System Data search:


The main system-oriented querying options here are

  1. Record status (uncompleted, completed, verified

  2. Synchronization - this refers to the option for searching the records which are allowed for sharing with other OMEGA-PSIR instances (e.g. at other universities),

  3. Record owner - it makes possible to search for the records owned by a given editor

  4. last modified by and last verified by - it makes possible to search for the records modified/verified by a given editor

  5. created - it makes possible to search for the records created in a given time range

  6. Date of last modification - it makes possible to search for the records modified in a given time range

  7. Date of last verification - it makes possible to search for the records verified in a given time range

  8. Records with variants - one can search for records uploaded from few other instances of OMEGA-PSIR (all the variants are kept within one record)

  9. Include deleted records - one can seraah for (softly) deleted records


In addition, to check the correctness and completeness of the entered records, the editor can use ready-made advanced search formulas in a special custom query language, entered to Custom query field.

The search formula can work in conjunction with other selected search criteria, e.g. selection of unit(s), range of years, type of publication, etc.

The list of search formulas in the Knowledge Base

Authors and employees:


indicate records where Active flag is not selected


checking whether the author's status is checked - Active


e-mail address of the author in the record is missing


the author's description contains an e-mail address


no phone number in the author's description


the author's description includes a phone number


the position author's description is missing in Polish.


the author's description includes the position in Polish.


the position author's description is missing in English.


the author's description includes the position in English.


no title in Polish in the author's description.


the author's description contains the title in Polish.


no title in English in the author's description.


the author's description contains the title in English.


the author's description of his professional work in Polish is missing.


the author's description includes the characteristics of professional work in Polish.


the author's description of his professional work in English is missing.


the author's description includes the characteristics of his professional work in English.


no consultation in Polish in the author's description.


the author's description includes consultations in Polish.


no consultation in English in the author's description.


the author's description includes consultations in English.


no author homepage


author's homepage exists


no file (photos)


the file (photo) exists

@affiliation-id – given university affiliation



no university affiliation provided

@externalAuthorAffiliation – the specified external affiliation



no external affiliation provided

@email and not(jcr:like(@email,'%@%'))

indicate records where e-mail does not contain the '@' sign

@email and (jcr:like(@email,'%@%@%'))

indicate records in which e-mail appears in the e-mail address field at least twice



show records with file

@file/permission/access='PUBLIC' (or @file-permission-access='PUBLIC')

show records that have a set status to public access

@file/permission/access='PROTECTED' (or @file-permission-access='PROTECTED')

show records that have the status set to protected access

@file/permission/access='PRIVATE' (or @file-permission-access='PRIVATE')

show records that have the status set to private access

@file/permission/id>0 (or @file-permission-id>0)

show records where access has been specified

@file-id>0 and not(@file/permission/id>0) (or @file-id>0 and not(@file-permission-id>0)

show records where access has not been specified


show the list of publications with a score of 0

score > 0 and score < 10

show the list of publications with scores from 1 to 9

Books and chapters


show books that are missing a language


show books in which the language appears


show books with missing year of publication


show books that lack a publisher


show books in which the publisher appears


show books that are missing pagination


show books that do not lack pagination


show books that are missing an ISBN


show books that contain ISBNs


show chapters from a book that are missing language


show chapters from a book that contain language


show chapters from a book that do not miss the year of publication


show chapters from books that lack a publisher


show chapters from books with a publisher


show chapters from books that are missing chapter pagination


show chapters from books that do not lack chapter pagination


Journal papers


show journal articles that are missing language


show articles from journals that contain language


show articles from journals with missing publication year


show articles from journals with the same year of publication


show journal articles that lack article pagination


show articles from journals that do not lack article pagination


show publications in which the Polish language is specified


show publications in which English is specified

PhD Theses​


 show doctorates that lack a title in English. Polish


show doctorates that include a title in English. Polish


 show doctorates that lack a title in English


show doctorates that include a title in English


 show PhD theses that lack a supervisor


show PhD theses that do not lack a supervisor


 show PhD theses that lack an internal reviewer


show PhD theses that have an internal reviewer


 show PhD theses that lack an external reviewer


show PhD theses that do not lack an external reviewer


 show doctorates that lack a diploma unit from the university


show doctorates that include a diploma unit from the university


 show doctorates that lack a diploma unit from outside the university


show doctorates that include a diploma unit from the external university


 show doctorates that lack scientific discipline


show doctorates that do not lack scientific discipline


show PhDs that lack Discipline 2.0


show PhDs that include discipline 2.0


 show PhDs that are missing a language


show PhD theses that include language


 show PhD theses that lack a defense date


show PhD theses with no missing defense date


 show PhDs that lack pagination


show PhD theses that do not lack pagination