Global changes

Global changes

One of the main ideas implemented in KB is that in the case when a record links to another record, an important part of one record is “imprinted” into another record. For example linking an author to the bibliographic record results in copying a part of the author’s profile to the bibliographic record. As a result, the bibliographic record “inherits” some features from the authors record, like e.g. affiliation, main research discipline, position, scientific degree, etc. Hence, the bibliographic record stores the author’s attributes that are valid at the moment of entering the record, which means that “historical” values concerning the author are “imprinted” to the bibliographic record.

In some cases however there is the need to update the embedded values once the original record is changed. To perform changes in all records linking to a record, for example, in the main list of journals), the global changes function can be used.

The system administrator and authorized users (having the role versions) can perform global changes in this case. This option is available from the full description of the master record, as shown in the figure below:


At the bottom of this description one can see

  1. a link that allows you to get all the linking publications

  2. functions that can be performed by authorized (admin) users (from left to right)

    1. renew the view (sometimes recalculate)

    2. edit the record

    3. view history of the record (and undo changes, if needed)

    4. view versions of the record and all linking records to given versions

    5. view variants of the record

    6. retrieve all records linking to the record ( not only publications and linking to any version)

    7. locate the record to the cache (for future use in building a query)


In order to perform global change on all linking records we use the option (d), which gives us the screen


As you can see in the figure above, the current version in the master list (highlighted in green) appears in 1 record, while there are also other 7 versions, the second appearing in 5 records, the third and sixth in 2, and the others appearing in one record.

By hovering the mouse over a version, you get a summary of the differences between that version and the version in the list.


The icons in the third column show how many records have the given version embedded, and make possible to replace the version with the object from the main list in all linking records:



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