
In the Books tab, you should enter Monograph level records - descriptions of documents independently publishied, e.g. monographs, academic textbooks, scripts, encyclopedias, dictionaries, special issues of journals, conference volumes, translations of monographs, etc.

Before you start entering data, check whether a given record is not already registered in the database. More in chapters

The elements of the bibliographic description are located placed in the following sections:

The following fields are available in the Basic Data tab:


One of the most important fields in this form is Book Type (obligatory). You should indicate here what document will be described. Additional information regarding the type of publication should be completed in the fields Book type and Book Categories.

  • if the document being entered is a translation, select this option


You can add files to the publication description. This functionality is described in chapter

Publication data tab

It contains additional information that should be added to the description:


If the work we are describing is a conference material or part of a series, then this information should be provided in this form, in the Publication data tab. There are appropriate fields here to link the work to a given event (conference) or series description:

  • Description of the conference event - if the event is not in the index, please enter it in the Conferences (events) module.

  • Book series/ (in the case of a special edition of a journal) - the description of the series should also be downloaded from the available index. If a given title is not on the list, please report it to a person with appropriate permissions

  • The Other conferences field is filled in if the publication is related to more than one event


Descriptions tab

We provide here additional information describing the content of the publication and metadata to help the user find it in the database


System Scoring tab

If a scoring system is used, when saving the record, the system automatically assigns a score and display it in the Score (total) field. The editor does not have the authority to change the data in this tab on his own.

After saving the publication, check whether the system has correctly assigned points for a given work. If you detect any irregularities, report it to a person with appropriate authorizations

Links tab

Here you can connect a given publication with other information available in the database, such as: Project, Book or Research data.

If you want to make a reference to the library catalogue, or the national library cataloge/external repository, etc., you can use the field Publication Identifier.

If the publication is a translation, information about the original work should be added in the Related book field (the description of the original publication must be previously entered into the database).


If you enter a description into the database:
