Comments and remarks submitted by users

The communication in the Knowledge Base between end users and the editors is implemented in order to to make possible to inform the KB staff about errors, irregularities and omissions, but also to share comments on various types of achievements and activities.

The internal communication is available for:

  • for editors to editors

  • between editors and users.

The communication function is available at the level of:

  • the list of search results obtained in the editors section Authors and Employees (to send emails to a selected group of users

  • a specific description of the record in the public interface (the functions Report comments and Add comment )

  • a specific description of the record in the editor panel (Add comment function)

  • anywhere in the database in the public interface and in the editor's panel (Contact the editor)

The difference between the functions Report Comments and Add Comment is as follows:

  • the message sent using the Add comment form will be visible both in the section Comments and remarks submitted, available from the editor panel, and under the record description in the user interface (after logging in)

  • the message sent using the Report comments form will only appear in the section Comments and remarks submitted in the editor's panel.

In order to effectively manage the communication process within the platform, it is possible to configure the system so that messages from a given scientist are sent to one editor assigned to him. Similarly, in the case of managing a large group of editors, you can assign specific editors to a given editor with extended privileges.

In the part Main Functions of the Editor panel there is a section section Comments and remarks submitted. Once it is open, a search form is visible where we can filter, among others: what types of reports and comments we are interested in, in which time range and from whom.



After retrieving a set, a list of comments and remarks will be displayed:


  • who reported the comment

  • When

  • whether the note concerns a specific publication, e.g. an article, or an unspecified element on a given screen

  • content of the comment

On the right side there are active icons to take action:

  • it is possible to verify and change the status of the case - active (problem unresolved) and inactive (problem solved)

  • you can go to the publication in question and take corrective steps

Using the Send Reply function you can contact the sender of the message