The algorithms for the researcher evaluation

The algorithms for the researcher evaluation

This database stores the algorithms for evaluating a scientist used in various functionalities of the system (in reports, in the algorithm for ranking domain-searched experts, etc.).

The following algorithms are currently stored (14):


Among the algorithms there are those used for expert search (7 algorithms, see Experts )

  1. Summary IF

  2. Summary Scopus CiteScore

  3. Summary Ministry Score (for Polish universities)

  4. Citations of WoS

  5. Citations of Scopus

  6. Efficiency of Acquiring projects

  7. Scientific achievements (multicriterial search)

Other algorithms are used in various reports

  1. Nominal proportional scoring

  2. Nominal score (according to journal list) 

  3. Proportional scoring taking into account the rules for multicenter publications

  4. Point value of unit share (slot)

  5. COI scientific achievements The algorithm evaluates scientific achievements according to COI  scores;


All the algorithms can be adopted to specific university needs

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