Roles and priviledges of the users
The system is equipped with advanced component defining roles and priviledges to specific groups of users. There are three categories of available roles. The first group is "Roles” that determine the level of permisions, starting from the superadmin range of functionalities down to editor - they establish the capabilities and permissions of users, related to specific functionalities. These roles are especially important for organizing and harmonizing work and procedures for those who are responsible for overseeing the system, as well as the end users, starting from researchers, ending with university management.
The second category is "data scopes ", which takes into account functional access to specific object types, like e.g. publication records, patents, infrastructure, etc. These roles make it possible to precisely control user access to specific system modules.
The third category defines functional limits to specific organizational units, taking into account the university hierarchy, so that
Such orthogonal categories allow one to define strictly a scope of functionality for each user, limited in the level of permissions, types of modules and hierarchicaly limited to a level of university units.