Managing Group of Users

In the current version, the workflow functionality can be used to maintain the project module.

One of the elements of organizing the development workflow is defining user groups. Defining user groups makes it easier to assign permissions to users who participate in the elaboration process.

The term "user group" is used to define in more detail the ranges of access privileges to data and functions. Grouping is defined in terms of roles and privileges in the workflow process (workflow).

Individual groups are assigned object classes.

In the example solution used at Warsaw University of Technology, the following user groups were defined:

  1. For Central project services (COPadministrator): [administrator].

A group assigned to an object class:

Projects managed by the COP (maincentral)

  1. For Central project services (COPeditor): [editor];

A group assigned to an object class:

Project applications managed by COP (projectapplication:maincentral)

Projects managed by the COP (maincentral)

  1. for Central project services (COPeditorlimited): [editorlimited].

A group assigned to an object class:

Projects managed by the COP (maincentral)

  1. for Projects managed at the departmental level (FacultyEditor): [editor].

A group assigned to an object class:

Projects managed by departments (mainlocal)

  1. for Managing central project types (COPpptadministrator): [administrator].

A group assigned to an object class:

Types of projects/programs managed by COP (mainpptcentral)

Dictionary data managed by COP (mainddcentral)

  1. for Faculty Project Type Management (FacultyPptEditor): [editor].

A group assigned to an object class:

Types of projects/programs managed by departments (mainpptlocal)


Such a division implies different groups of administrators/editors in the central project handling unit and people in the departments responsible for projects.