Search for domain experts

Search for domain experts

A very special search is available within OMEGA-PSIR, namely the expert search. This function can be used to find the best specialists in a given area. A variety of criteria can be defined. The predefined ones are:

  • total IF

  • total SNIP

  • WOS citations

  • Scopus citations

  • efficiency in fund rasing (acquiring projects)

  • Scientific achievements (multi-criteria evaluation)

In order to find an expert one can use a screen as below


Having selected a criterion, in the field enter keyword the user defines the query (the same way as for e.g. publications, and then one can limit the search to a given researchers group, e.g. to young researchers (by age), to postdoc (by the position), to senior researchers, etc. One can also specify the period for which we look for the most valuable achievements in terms of IF, citations, proprietary scoring system, etc.

As a result one can obtain the list of researchers (and optionally see the cooperattion graph)


The functionality can be used if we look for the project partners, or candidates for an award in a given domain, reviewers, etc.