Creating alerts

Creating alerts

The purpose of creating an alert is to obtain a notification when certain records satisfy conditions of the alert query.

For example the editor wants to control new publications of some users, teams or a faculty.

Alert can be created for any query referring to some resources, e.g. for publications imported by authors (having status Incomplete), recently entered publication records, new files with an unspecified license, etc.

The alert can be set from:

  • query formulation screen

  • search results screen

Below we show how to create an alert to signal that publications with the status Incomplete status, imported or entered by authors from an indicated organizational unit appears in the Knowledge Base. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. On the query form expand System Data Criteria and select Record Status: Incomplete

  2. On the query form expand Author, discipline, specialization and language and check in Imported by author

  3. On the organization structure tree, select the entity whose publications are to be controlled/alerted

  4. Click the icon of the bell

  5. you will get the alert definition form, fill it properly

The editor can define the following alert parameters:

  1. name – choose a name that will allow you to distinguish what the alert refers to in case of a larger number of alerts

  2. frequency of receiving messages

  3. function of sending information by mail and/or on-screen notifications

  4. After completing the form, click Save

  5. Check if the alert has been saved. Alerts are available in Settings (upper left corner of the screen)


You can open the alert site whenever needed by clicking the bell icon in the right upper corner (at the logged user icon/atavar).

The allert site is shown below


Icons that appear next to each displayed alert can be used to perform a search saved in the alert, edit it to change parameters, or delete the alert




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