Depositing the file to the bibliographic record
If the embargo period specified for the publication by the publisher has passed, the author can choose to deposit the file in the repository. To attach the file to the publication record, click on the tab Publications in your profile
In the list of publications, select the one to which the file will be attached and click the "plus" icon
When attaching a file, the author can:
define the type of license under which the document is made available
define the level of availability
limited to author only
limited internally to employees of the unit (department, university)
unrestricted (public) access (optionally with an grace date, after which the publication becomes open)
Public access can be specified for files distributed under an open license.
define a grace period after which the system will make the file available to all users - if required by the author's contract with the publisher
approve the statement of depositing the file in the repository, or an explanation of why it does not archive the document.
The text of the statement/explanation is defined by the application administrator.