Request for a mentoring service

Request for a mentoring service

Once you have selected the mentor closest to your needs, the need for mentoring service can be submitted on the profile of the selected mentor, under Mentoring Offer. On the mentoring offer screen, under the offer description, there is a Submit mentoring need button (Figure 1 below). Using this button brings up the request form (Figure 2).

Fig. 1 Mentoring offer in mentor profile

Fig. 2 Mentoring request form

On the form for reporting the need for mentoring, mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. The applicant is advised to describe his/her need in detail. In addition to the description, it is important to enter the closing date of the competition to which the mentoring applies. This is not a mandatory field, however, since it sets a deadline for the preparation of the application, it will allow the mentor to assess the possibility of support in the preparation of the application. In addition, it allows you to control the progress of the cooperation on the application between the mentor and the mentored - by the end of the call in the competition, you can expect that the application for funding will be prepared and entered into UBW by the Project Service Center.


Note: The mentoring service request is visible only by the requester, the mentor and the mentoring module manager.


Once the request is saved, the requester sees his/her request in the Mentor's profile under
Tasks unapproved. In the Task status column, the requester can see whether the task has been approved by the mentor or is pending approval.

Fig. 3 Notification of the need for mentoring

A similar view appears in the profile of the person requesting mentoring, under
Mentoring orders:

Fig. 4 Mentoring submission in the submitter's profile

If additional contacts are needed, there is an option in the Actions column to send an email to the mentor (envelope icon).

In addition, among the actions there is an action to withdraw the request for mentoring (the turn back icon). This action is provided for the case when the requester has not previously verified what the mentor's availability is - if the mentor is temporarily absent and there is a need for a quick decision, there is an option to withdraw the request and possibly refer to another mentor.


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