Journals and series

Journals and series

When creating article descriptions, use the journal description to create a link between the article record and the journal record.

This database should be used when filling in the 'Journal/Series Title' field in the 'Publication Data' tab.

For this purpose, a database of journals is maintained by an editor with the appropriate priviledges, who is responsible for the correct preparation of the journal description and for assigning the journal the correct category and scoring (if applcable).

The option to enter a new journal title is available only to an editor with extended privileges.

It is categorically recommended that journal descriptions be created only by an authorized editor because only then can a consistent journal description and correct scoring be maintained for all articles associated with a journal.

Before entering the description of a new journal, it is imperative to check whether such a journal is not already described in the journal database. After selecting the 'Journals and Series' option, a list of journals described in the database appears. In order to narrow down the number of descriptions displayed, you can perform a search using any words from the title of the journal, but it is advisable to use the most meaningful words, as words that frequently appear in the title of journals such as 'international' or 'journal' will not significantly narrow down the list of presented journals. Also search by ISSN is helpful (for search by ISSN close the ISSSN number in quatations marks).

For example, when we know that the word 'information' appears in the title of a journal, we perform the search shown in the following figure:


The search yielded 12 descriptions, for which the standard icons associated with editing descriptions appear on the right.

If we find that the description of a particular journal already exists in the database, we do not create a new description, but can only modify the existing description if necessary.

However, it must be remembered that changes made to an existing journal description do not transfer automatically to the descriptions of articles linked to that journal, and if these changes need to be transferred to the article descriptions, there would be a need to edit each article and re-establish the link to the modified journal description.

This can be done using the global change function.


If a search of the journal database indicates that the description of a particular journal is missing from the database, create a description using the 'New' button


After using the 'New' button, the journal description form shown in the following figure appears.


The journal description includes the following fields:

  • Short name - the abbreviated name of the journal

  • Full name - the full name of the journal

  • Name from the MNiSW list - name from the ministerial list

  • Other (previous) forms of the name - previous titles of the journal

  • ISSN - ISSN of the journal in printed form

  • e-ISSN - ISSN of a journal in online form

  • Other ISSNs Add - Other ISSNs

  • Author of the series - author of the series

  • Institutional author -

  • Publisher - the publisher of the journal

  • Home page - the web address of the journal's home page

  • DOI - the DOI number given indicates the identifier of the electronic version of the journal

  • Language - the primary language of the journal

  • Foreign journal - mark if the journal is a foreign publication

  • Score - the number of points given by the national evaluation unit

  • Impact Factor - an indicator of the prestige and impact of scientific journals, determined by the Philadelphia Institute

  • List

  • A - according to the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - journals appearing on the JCR list

  • B - according to the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - journals that do not appear on the JCR list

  • C - journals included in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) database

  • None - journals not appearing on the MNiSW list

  • Indicators

  • Other databases/systems where it was indexed

  • Type of serial publication: Periodical Book series

  • Field

Starting from version 1.2.5, journal scoring is stored in a special structure that allows to keep the scoring valid for each year, and it can even be the scoring in different scoring systems, such as ministerial and local scoring of the institution. The figure below shows that in addition to the current scoring record, there is an index structure for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education scoring, which includes the 2012-2015 scoring.

Developing this structure gives the following picture:

This screen indicates that it is possible to store different indicators for different periods, with the permissible types of indicators defined using the dictionary data mechanism.


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