Conference events

Conference events

As with journals, it is possible to maintain a conference database. It plays a role of authorty file for

  1. bibliographic descriptions of conference papers

  2. activities related to the conference organizations, participation in programme committees, etc


In case of (1) this database should be used when filling in the 'Conference' field in the 'Publication Data' tab (for books and articles) on the same basis as the journal database is used when filling in the 'Journal/Series Title' field in the 'Publication Data' tab.

It is recommended that ine creates conference descriptions, keep them in the database, and when describing a publication, establish a link to the selected description downloaded from the conference database. The conference description is created in the main list Conferences (events), you can not enter the description from the publication level. It is recommended to check carefully before entering whether the conference is not already entered in the "Conferences of events" list. Rather, the control query must be created by entering the most relevant and distinctive words, because due to the existence of similar but not different descriptions, it will be difficult to catch duplicates using the query for the full name of the conference event known to the editor.


The conference description includes the following fields:

  • Short name - the abbreviated name of the conference

  • Full name - the full name of the conference

  • Place - the place where the conference will be held

  • Country - the country of holding the conference, enter the beginning of the country name and select from the index. The index enlists 3 letter country codes according to the current ISO 3166-1 standard.

  • Year - the year (date) of the conference

  • Date - start and end - enter the year or detailed date (if known) using the attached calendar.

  • URL - link to the conference website

  • Inter conference. - indicate whether the conference meets the international criterion (1/3 of the papers from foreign centers)

The conferences (events) list contains descriptions of specific conference events with a description of the number, place and year of the conference. These descriptions are created by editors entering data into BW. Descriptions of specific conference events must be linked to the titles of the conferences, as only such a link will ensure automatic assignment of credits to publications linked to conferences (events)


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