Project categories

Project categories

In order to categorize the projects collected in the database, it is necessary to introduce a typology of projects, in which the most important distinction is the source of funding (institution). The typology is available from the administrator's menu:

Editor’s panel → Auxiliary functions → Project/program types

It constitutes a hierarchy, which can be then used for searching the projects, as well for analytical purposes (e.g. in pivots). So, looking e.g. for EU projects the user will find all the sybtypes of EU projects.



The typology can optionally distinguish a subgroup of centrally handled projects and typologies of projects handled by departments. The data structure provided can be subject to adaptation to local needs. For the EU members probably the branch EU projects should be ready for using.


While defining subordinated categories, you should take into acount that the subordinated category inherits properties of the hierarchicaly higher record. If in a specific case it is not valid the local value overwrites the higher level value.