Functions of data-steward

Functions of data-steward

The following steward functions are provided in the research data module:

  1. the ability to edit a research data record in a steward-dedicated mode (i.e., using the advanced data-entry form); This function can be implemented in the standard way for OMEGA-PSIR software, described in the Editor's Manual (cf. Entering and modifying records in the Knowledge Database ), so we do not describe it here; it is used in rare situations, only when there is a specific need to support the researcher;

  2. The ability to verify the status of a record/version of data after the author has reported that the data is ready - as a result of this verification, the steward can change the status of the record/version from Under verificationido:

    1. Published if the evaluation is positive Publihing a record/version of research data

    2. Under editing in case, when the evaluation showed the need to correct/add to the deposited data (Forwarding the record for re-editing );

  3. Ability to delete a deposited record/version by changing the state of the data record/version from the Published state to the Deleted state (cf. Removing a record/version of research data);

  4. Ability to physically delete a deposited record/version (soft or hard) for a record in one of the states Under Edit, Under Verification (cf. Removing a record/version of research data ;

  5. Ability to physically delete a reference record (soft or hard) - cf. (cf. Removing a record/version of research data ;




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